Karen J. Duby's Creations : handpainted tiles, cards, gourds, studio buttons, jewelry and beads

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About Me

Picture a  61  year old woman that has graying hair and is pretty fit from doing so many chores each day : don't need to pay for a gym membership  (chuckle). 
 Blue eyes,  a  5'4'' hight ( I am getting shorter) and gravity,  overtaking  my frame ; completes this visual delight.

      I am very interested in art for children ; opening up their imagination, helping their creativity in all areas and letting them realize how necessary art is in all our lives.   
     For  more than 15 years I have been a 4-H leader, teaching leather, livestock care, arts and crafts, some homearts, gardening etc. and still  am  a volunteer teaching art for a small school, k-8.   Poetry ,writing ,reading  are enjoyed.  Fantasy and Sci-fi are my dreamworlds.
     As a political  person I often find myself volunteering for many things that I believe will help society.  I encourage anyone who is wondering if they should get envolved to do so.. the amount of joy they will recieve is amazing.
     My children are grown.   My son  is in the army.  He has been twice in Iraq and  is  now  in  Afganistan.    I worry for him and wish him well in these dangerous times.   My  two creative daughters are in Michigan.     The older one is an Addy award  winner and works in the graphic  arts  field.   The  younger one loves theatre and is a florist and creates jewelry.   It is delightful  having  three  grandaughters and a grandson,   they help bring  the beauty  and  spirituality of  life.

I grew up mostly in Calif, where I was born.  Parents moved a bit..so I went to school in Saratoga, Watsonville,  Paso Robles and King City.
I went to jr.college at Cabrillo (near Watsonville) where I studied art and Monterey  Peninsula college where a geology class intrigued me...did a lot of rock hounding after that and still find fossils and crystals facinating.
I've lived in the above places and  Santa Cruz , Monterey and Clear Lake Oaks.  As a child spent some time in Ill. and Mo.

whitewater with family and friends summer 2000
I am still alive under there somewhere..what a joyfull experience!!!

Backpacker taking a drink; Size=180 pixels wide
My dream of Taking a break from work..yah right!

What a job!

      My job is a caregiver to several developementally delayed adults. I supervise them in many learning experiences and their day to day living. 
     What I like about this work is the that  I have seen several areas of growth in these ladies.   Indeed changes in skills or behavior is hard for anyone, but very slow to take hold in this population; HOWEVER it does occur to our great joy!
      I also work with these ladies and one in another home doing art and craft work. 
Most frustrating  for me is having to grow and to learn how to give a great deal more patience? Hard to believe, huh?)


Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

All of the Star Wars movies
Lord of the Rings
Dances with Wolves
The Postman
most of Mel Gibson's

Favorite music:

Of musical styles;  I enjoy most the classicals and Irish music, then the others from Blues to Western.
My uncle, Darrel Gibson, was quite a good fiddler and guitarist and played with Western bands, especially in southern Calif.
My mom has a very nice wide range in her singing.
My singing and musical ability border on cats fighting at 3 AM.    smile
I dislike most rap and Heavy Metal stuff..

r1-daughter, my mom,neice:r2-neices bro &friend&Me
r3-neice's husband & my other daughter, guide in back

My neice & her husband (an olympic-quality athlete) left their two children at home for safety from this wild ride. His brother is sitting right in front of him.  Ask them about his swimsuite rescue...lol .. They are heavily into computers in Bellevue,Wa.

The gal in the center works a large quarter horse ranch (in Idaho) owned by her family.

My mom loves wild rides and has raced a snowmobile .  Heck,  she even climbed a telephone pole with spikes while I was in high school. Always one for a challenge.

I speak of my daughters elsewhere and don't want to bore you with how wonderful I think they are.  SMILE

family pictures